Blended Learning – A Research Paper on the Study of Effectiveness of Blended Learning by Professor P D Jose and Deepika Ganesh

Blended Learning – A Research Paper on the Study of Effectiveness of Blended Learning by Professor P D Jose and Deepika Ganesh

A paper titled, ‘Our Experiments with MOOCs: A Study on the Effectiveness of Blended-Learning Pedagogy in Faculty Development Programmes for Sustainability Education’, has been accepted for publication in ‘Environmental Sciences Proceedings’ at the International Conference of Sustainable Development, 2021.

Authored by Deepika Ganesh, Dr. P D Jose (Chairperson and faculty in the Strategy area of IIMB) and Natasha Mujgule, the paper makes a case for the potential of using blended learning as an effective method to create a community of practice beyond physical boundaries for sustainability education in the field of business management. The study focused on the role this programme’s design has in the current scenario which calls for a keen focus on digital media.