Valedictory of Mid-Career Training Program Phase III (MCTP- III) for IDAS Officers (Batch 4)
The Mid-Career Training Program Phase III (MCTP- III) for officers of the Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS) was held from 29th November to 24th December 2021. Indian Defence Account Service (IDAS) comes under Group ‘A’ of Central Civil Services. The IDAS officers occupy middle and senior leadership positions in the Defence Accounts Department, Ministry of Defence and other Central Ministries. Headed by the Controller General of Defence Accounts, the Department is mandated to provide financial advice, payment, accounting and internal audit functions with respect to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Ordnance Factories, Defence Research and Development Organization, Border Road Organization and Canteen Stores Department and other allied organizations.
This custom programme has been designed with the objective of providing the Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) and Senior Time Scale (STS) officers with the necessary knowledge, skills and outlook to discharge their responsibilities effectively in their current role and develop their capabilities for future. The programme helps them actively participate and contribute towards decision-making processes in the emerging new context of defence production and procurement, namely, Joint Ventures in Defence Production, Public Private Partnership Projects, Offset Projects and start-ups in the field of defence production. The programme focuses on five modules – Functional, Customer Mindset, Leadership and Managerial, Digital Transformation, and Analytics and Self-Development.
The 20-day programme was delivered on campus.
Shashi B. Srivastava, Principal Controller, Defence Accounts, Bangalore, addressed the participants and set the context of the programme. Rajnish Kumar, CGDA, congratulated participants on successfully completing the programmes.
Dr. G Shainesh, from the Marketing area, and Prof. N M Agrawal led the programme.