Dr. Mayank Nagpal has joined IIM Bangalore with effect from July 01, 2022, as Assistant Professor in the Marketing area. He holds the Young Faculty Research Chair at IIMB.
He has a PhD in Business Administration from The Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA; an M Sc in Economics from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, and B Sc with Mathematics Honors from Hindu College, University of Delhi.
Dr. Nagpal’s work focuses on studying and analyzing marketing strategies using data analytics and machine learning techniques to provide data driven solutions to business stakeholders. His research is thus, an amalgamation of data science, statistics, economics and business management. Currently, his research primarily focuses on studying and inferring strategic intent of marketing managers from publicly released firm data as well as studying consumer intent from online reviews and search engines. He teaches graduate level courses in Marketing Analytics, Data Mining and Marketing Research. His research has been published in top journals such as Journal of Retailing.
His professional experience includes serving D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University as Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing; CRISIL Global Research & Analytics as Senior Consultant; Australia & New Zealand (ANZ) Bank as Retail Modelling Analyst, and the Centre for Public Policy at IIM Bangalore as Research Associate. Dr. Nagpal was the Teaching Instructor at Pennsylvania State University from 2018 to 2021.
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