Teaching Tips on Tap – Regional Languages

Teaching Tips on Tap – Regional Languages

In his new video, Dr. B Mahadevan, from the area of Production and Operations Management area at IIMB, addresses educators who aspire to become respected academics and offers them guidelines based on his experiences in teaching. 

Here are some of his tips: 

(1) Practise 4-5 hours of relevant reading for every hour spent teaching in the classroom: The more educators spend time consulting textbooks, papers and cases, the more successfully can they teach. 

(2) Invest time into writing detailed session plans. 

(3) After every class, make a note of what worked and what did not work in the session plan and revise it accordingly. 

(4) Anticipate questions and prepare for them. 

Link to the video:  (1) ஒரு சிறந்த கல்வியாளராக மாறுவதற்கான உதவிக்குறிப்புகள் – YouTube