NSRCEL-incubated start-up Etude360 wins Economic Times Future Skills Awards for Effective Use of Simulations in L&D

NSRCEL-incubated start-up Etude360 wins Economic Times Future Skills Awards for Effective Use of Simulations in L&D

Etude360, a start-up of NSRCEL from the Women Start-up Program, won the Economic Times Future Skills Awards for Effective Use of Simulations in Learning and Development. Bagging a gold in the category, Etude360 aims to make experiential learning solutions for measurable outcomes. 

Co-founded by Himani Chandorkar, Etude360 offers experiential learning solutions that can be delivered everywhere and builds behavioral acumen through experiential learning methods. This allows its learners to practice and learn the impact of behavior, decisions and actions in a safe environment.