Research & Publications Office to host seminar on ‘Subversive Conversations’ on 14th December

Research & Publications Office to host seminar on ‘Subversive Conversations’ on 14th December

The Office of Research and Publications (R&P) at IIM Bangalore will host a research seminar on, ‘Subversive Conversations’, to be led by Prof. Archishman Chakraborty, Yeshiva University (Economics area), at 4.30 pm on 14th December 2023, at Classroom K-21.

Abstract: Two players with common interests exchange information to make a decision. But they fear scrutiny. Their unencrypted communications will be observed by another agent with different interests who can object to their decision. The researchers show how the players can implement their ideal decision rule using a back and forth conversation. Such a subversive conversation reveals enough information for the players to determine their best decision but not enough information for the observer to determine whether the decision was against his interest. The results show how conversations can maintain deniability even in the face of leaks, hacks and other public exposures.

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