NSRCEL at IIMB is hosting the third edition of the Global Leadership Seminar on June 03rd.

NSRCEL at IIMB is hosting the third edition of the Global Leadership Seminar on June 03rd.

A well-known entrepreneur, Nithin Kamath, Co-founder of Zerodha, will join us and share his entrepreneurial journey at 5:00 pm on June 3, 2021.

Nithin bootstrapped & co-founded Zerodha in 2010 to overcome the hurdles he faced during his decade-long stint as a trader. Over the last decade, Zerodha has gained 4 million customers and contributes to over 15% of the exchange retail trading volumes.

Nithin also started Rainmatter, an R&D fintech incubator and fund that has partnered with some of the best investment-tech startups in India. More recently, Nithin has also set up the Rainmatter Climate Foundation — an Indian climate fund providing funding to startups and grassroots organizations working on solutions to mitigate climate change.

Note: Global Leadership Seminar (GLS) aims to bring world-class ideas to Indian businesses and startups. The seminar is organized by iSPIRT Foundation in partnership with NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore (click here to watch the previous seminars).

If you are interested, please sign up on the zoom form to receive the webinar ID and password: www.bit.ly/GLS3Nithin.