IIMBx is launching two new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on its platform, namely, ‘Legal and Regulatory Framework in Healthcare

IIMBx is launching two new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on its platform, namely, ‘Legal and Regulatory Framework in Healthcare

This course is being released as part of the Hospital Management Programme, a fully online programme currently live on the IIMBx platform. This course is ideal for medical/healthcare professionals or hospital managers in India’s healthcare industry. It aims to cover several relevant aspects of the healthcare industry, such as:

  • The evolution of the healthcare system in India
  • Legal aspects of healthcare
  • Defining the doctor-patient relationship
  • Consent to treatment and patient rights
  • Litigations in healthcare
  • Provisions, Laws and Acts related to the medical profession

The course will be led by Dr. Allen P. Ugargol, faculty of the Public Policy area, and Chairperson of the Post Graduate Programme in Enterprise Management (PGPEM), IIM Bangalore. The course introduces learners to the relationship between law and health. It will give them a medico-legal perspective on the different healthcare issues and guide them on how to adhere to legal and ethical standards in the healthcare field. It will also allow learners to explore India’s healthcare and legal systems. The participants will learn about the doctor-patient relationship, the responsibilities of medical professionals, and patient rights and consent. The course will offer insights into governmental aspects of healthcare, the clinical establishment Acts that apply, and their scope.