Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium

The Centre for Teaching and Learning conducted a four-day online Doctoral Consortium on Teaching 2022 from January 10-13, 2022, for IIMB’s PhD students who are in the final year (or concluding stages) of their doctoral programme. Altogether 13 participants attended the consortium.

The Consortium was led by Dr. Sourav Mukherji, faculty in the Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management area of IIMB, Dr. Jitamitra Desai, Chairperson and faculty in the Decision Sciences area, and Dr. Arun Pereira, MIT-Sloan International Faculty Fellow, and Emeritus Faculty at the Chaifetz School of Business, Saint Louis University, USA.

The sessions introduced the participants to the drivers of learning, case-based teaching, case writing, course designing, evaluation methods, and teaching quantitative subjects. Teaching practicum sessions allowed the participants to get a sense of teaching and all that it takes to teach effectively.

On the last day of the consortium, Aruna Gopakumar and Rashmi Ravikumar, from Navgati, a leadership development organization, spoke about various techniques and ways to build/develop and create ‘effective presence’ as an educator by working on one’s body and voice.

The consortium concluded with a valediction and feedback session.