Fast Track Selection Scheme Leadership Development Program for Tata Motors in hybrid blended programme

Fast Track Selection Scheme Leadership Development Program for Tata Motors in hybrid blended programme

 The programme was inaugurated on 16th June 2022, in online mode. Sitaram Kandi, Vice President – PV Human Resources, Tata Motors Ltd., and Sampada Inamdar, Head – Talent Development, addressed the participants, who are HiPos identified through Tata Motors’ FTSS. They are managers identified for a fast-track development learning journey and are mapped for taking up future tactical roles including people-management responsibilities.

The programme directors are Dr. G Shainesh, faculty in the Marketing area and Dr. Vasanthi Srinivasan, faculty in the OB&HRM area.

It is a blended learning programme, integrating IIMBx Massive Open Online Courses with the faculty-led classroom sessions. The programme is designed to provide the participants with a learning development journey which would enable them to upskill them and to take higher order responsibilities in future. The programme will be delivered in hybrid mode (live online and in-person sessions over a period of eight months).

The programme is based on the five broad themes of Leadership Competencies, Financial Acumen, Customer Centricity, Operations & Supply Chain Management & Strategic Thinking.